The 10 rarest animals in the World

ANIMAL 1 – Frill necked Lizard
rare animals
The flying lizard is named for the wheel coming out of his neck, but can not fly, all the jumps can be prolonged more and also use this flyer as a blanket to maintain body temperature.

ANIMAL 2 – Tarsier
rare animals
Are primates with enormous eyes and long feet. Primarily insectivorous but also may feed on snakes and birds. To hunt birds are jumping from tree to tree until cojen moving.

ANIMAL 3 – Aye Aye
rare animals
Can be found in Madagascar. Combines rodent-like teeth and a long, thin finger he uses to find food in the trees after their teeth gnawed the bark. It is a nocturnal animal. Is in danger of extinction.

ANIMAL 4 – Proboscis Monkey
rare animals
Its most distinctive feature is the large protruding nose of the male. The aim of his large nose is unclear, but it has been suggested that this is a result of sexual selection. The Trunk Monkey Women prefer males with large noses (like all great).

ANIMAL 5 – Axoloti
rare animals
The Axolotl is a species of salamander. The species comes from the lakes of Mexico City. Are used for scientific research since they have the ability to regenerate body parts. They are used as pets.

ANIMAL 6 – Pink Fairy Armadillo
rare animals
The Pink Armadillo is the smallest of its kind. It measures about 10 inches without the tail and its color is usually pale pink. Can be found in Argentina, dry grasslands and sandy plains with shrubs. Have the ability to bury itself completely in a few seconds.

ANIMAL 7 – Uakar
rare animals
These types of primates are bald and have a peculiar face and above all very red, as if they had been sleeping on the beach in August. They are really ugly .

ANIMAL 8 – Star-Nosed Mole
rare animals
It is a small North American mole found in eastern Canada and northeastern United States.
He lives in wetlands and eats small invertebrates, aquatic insects, worms, etc.. It is very good swimmer and dig tunnels under water often lead

ANIMAL 9 – Blobfish
rare animals
The ‘Psychrolutes micropores’, aka ‘blobfish’. This unusual animal inhabits mountains a mile high that never emerge from the water and blends them to amaze everyone who walks past him.

ANIMAL 10 – Emperor Tamarin
rare animals
Located in the southwestern Amazon, eastern Peru and northern Bolivia.

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