
If you feel any of these ailments, you’d better go to the doctor, it could be something serious

Man through the years has evolved along with various pains, but speaking specifically of physical ailments, we can say that we experience are a symptom, a warning sign that warns, the sufferer, that his health okay, you need to seek help.
However, people have learned to live with some pain, those who are considered “minor” or “normal”, that occur on a frequent basis in our daily life and sometimes even forget that they are there.

The problem is that we do not give the importance that we should, because we used to live with them every day, something that should not happen, because we are talking about our health and that these pains can become more serious illnesses, aches as:

1. Chest pain. Definitely one of the discomforts that occur more and less if you do. According to the National Library of Medicine, this condition may result from a stomach ache, a sore muscle or even a panic attack. But if it persists throughout the day, you should consult a doctor because it is the main symptom of a heart attack .


2. Headache. Who has not had a headache? According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, about 12 percent of the population suffers from migraines, with women being the most affected and least pay attention to pain.
According to the National Headache Foundation, most often it is a headache or a migraine if the discomfort is more intense. But the risk is present when the pain comes on suddenly and symptoms added as blurred vision, may be a brain aneurysm .

3. Back pain. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal has revealed that eight out of 10 people have suffered from this malaise. Which may be sporadic, due to exertion, or chronic if it lasts more than three months.
When the pain is accompanied by tingling in the fingers, can be a symptom of a dislocated discs in the spine as well as a condition called sciatica, so what you do is go immediately to a doctor for a more accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

4. Toothache. Normally we do to feel this kind of discomfort, is to take a painkiller that takes away the pain, but only momentarily. The appropriate approach is to go to the dentist to rule out that the nerve of the tooth is damaged by bacteria, as the risk, according to the Patient Education Institute, is that the bacteria “jump” to the body, causing a major illness.

5. Pain in the lower right abdomen. Could be a sharp pain that is increasing or is accompanied by fever and nausea, which could be an appendicitis box indicates the American Medical Association, although in the case of women, it is also sign of an ovarian cyst. In either, time to go to the emergency room, because you can even go to the operating room


6. Malaise abdomen. If the pain lasts more than a month and every time you have more gas and food intolerance, the worst scenario could be ovarian cancer. Recently, the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation released a paper on these warnings as early symptoms of this cancer.


7. Knee pain and swelling. If the area is red and hurts can be a sign of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). According to experts, massage or walk, despite the pain, is the worst thing you can do. You should go to the doctor, there is no choice.

8. Pain in the testicles. Failure is the result of a blow, pain in the testicles can occur when the spermatic cord twists, and must be treated immediately for no necrosis. Worst case scenario, if the pain is persistent, it could be cancer, so do not hesitate to assist you immediately.


9. Severe pain when urinating. If you present a bowel burning, urinating, the American Association of Family Physicians says that can be a symptom of a urinary tract infection. In such case the pain is unbearable, may indicate kidney stones. Do not let it go and see a check.


10. Wrist pain. It may be because the carpal tunnel, a narrow passageway of ligament and bones at the base of the hand, becomes inflamed, it is known as carpal tunnel syndrome, which affects more work at desks and with computers, creating a sharp pain and tingling in the hands.

consult a doctor ASAP

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